About Us

Janet Watson

Over 20 years of experience trial attorney

Tatiana Toumanova

12 years of experience in WA Attorney at Law

Why we are different:

  • Seattle Family Law is a two-attorney team providing legal services with a continuous personal approach and attention to details.  
  • We are committed to providing  hands-on counsel and support as you move through your legal situation.  
  • For most people, litigation affecting family and other personal relationships is among the most difficult experiences in life. 
  • Many would prefer not to have to make decisions at such a distressing time.  
  • Because you must nevertheless make important decisions  you need counsel that does not brush aside the emotional context of your situation and simply make decisions "for" you. 
  • Rather, you are better served by engaging in meaningful dialogue with your attorney so that you can make informed decisons for yourself.  
  • We strive to understand all of your objectives, including the impact of your decisions on your family and other loved ones.  
  • Our goal is to help you select and carry out  the most appropriate legal strategy at each step in the process.  
  • Nevertheless, we do not forget that it is "your" case and thus your needs and desires that direct case strategy and action.